It is official 2016 has come and gone and now 2017 is among us in all its glory...
I always look forward to the new year for some reason or another and this year is no different.
I would LOVE to say that we said hello to 2017 with a bang and but to be honest it was probably the most laid back New Years celebration that we have had in YEARS!
Honestly it was almost boring but that seemed to be the theme during this holiday season and I am almost felt relief with that fact.
Life can be so chaotic most of the time with three kids, a husband, both of us working full time and 4 out of 5 of us in school that it is almost kind of nice to have a relaxing holiday season among the chaos we call life.
We rang in 2017 with food, noise makers, party hats, pop its and of course the kids choice of "beer" and "champagne", a Television special and a movie but other than that we called it grand around 12:30 and crashed...
I'm telling you... don't we have a wild side or what!?
Though we did do the traditional New Years Resolution (the following morning)
you can tell we are over it...
No ONE and I do mean NO ONE had ANY!
No, Zero, Zilch, NADA!
Exciting stuff right!
I have been thinking though the last could of days of a few that I would like to accomplish and set as a a goal so as soon as I fully decide if 2017 is the year I will be sure to share them with you all!
Until then HAPPY 2017!