Friday, November 6, 2015

Red Ribbon Week Celebration!

Last week at school the girls showed off being drug free with Red Ribbon Week.
 This week is always a blast and the girls ALWAYS look forward to it every year.

This year Red Ribbon Week also happened to fall on their 10th week of school so in a weird way it was kind of like a week long party for surviving those first 9 weeks!

Each of the girls had a different theme each day so keeping up with all of it was a chore in it's self and everyday after school was like a three ringed circus with Alora having her two BFF's over trying to to make sure that the outfits for the next day were JUST right and of course because Alora had her style team Aaliyah had to have hers over too! 
I beg of you to PLEASE forgive the shit photography skills with these pictures... my ancient smart phone  and I are not seeing eye to eye recently and my kids are not always the best shooting subjects at 6 am ;)

Monday October 26th

Elderly Day
D wasn't able to think of a costume for the day so she skipped participating for the day. 

Red, White & Blue Day
In true "Mom of the Year" fashion my dumb ass FORGOT to take a picture!!!
smh... I am TOTALLY going to win this year I am telling you and what is so sad....
I am a photographer...

Crazy & Miss-Matched Day
 I promise she didn't match. As a matter she wore her pajamas that day and I am just lucky enough she remembered to add some sort of bottoms to her outfit. 

Tuesday October 27th

Miss-Matched Day
D was more into getting involved for this theme more than I excpected.
We all know teens are not always the best participants in things especially with school events. 
You know it can be considered "uncool" 

Nerd Day
This girl really pulled off the "nerd" look! 

Super Hero Day
 I surprised her earlier the week before with this batman shirt JUST for this day. I saw it at our local Walmart for $7 and the fact that there was a cape attached I she HAD to have it! 
 She loved it SO much she even changed her Halloween costume to be bat girl!

Wednesday October 28th

Future Career Day
Since she wore just her old elementary hoodie and jeans that morning I didn't think about taking a picture of her because I thought she wasn't participating in this day seeing her and Alora had an appointment that afternoon.
Come to find out...
She DID and her career choice was a teacher... 
way to go mom...
Elderly Day
Alora decided she was not dressing up since she did not want to look like an old lady going to her appointment later that day. She did however get some new bling that day and FINALLY got her braces! 
You can follow her journey with our Metal Mouth Madness series.

Twinkie Day
We REALLY got lucky with this one! Her BFF lives across the street from us and they both happened to already own the SAME EXACT shirts! Me and her mom were about as excited as they were!

Thursday October 29th

Maroon & Grey Day
So you would THINK that since Maroon & Grey ARE her schools colors and HAS been for the last 4 years she would own SOMETHING in these colors...
SOOO needless to say we skipped this day too

Super Hero Day
So it is sad to say that Alora TOTALLY stole this shirt from Aaliyah to wear for her super hero day at school...

Neon Day

Friday October 30th

Hawaiian Day
Thank goodness for our Luau themed potluck a few years ago because it dang sure came in handy for her!

80's Day
Awww the 80's...
Do I need to say more...

Panther Spirit or Sports Team Day 

 You know the saying you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl?
Well this apparently stands true for an Alabamian...
and an Auburn Tiger fan...

They are already excited for next years!

I would love to hear what crazy ideas your schools came up with for this weeks celebration! 

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