Monday, February 22, 2016

Our Weekend Recap

For once it looks like that rodent was right and spring will be early this year. We have had some beautiful days here lately and the fact that we have only had one snow day this winter I am a happy camper.

 This weekend's weather was perfect and thanks to mother nature's kindness we were able to get some time outside and spend some quality family time, since soon I will be venturing back to the overnight working world.

 Saturday after the hubby got home from work we got out and about to so our usual Saturday errands and made a stop at our local Hasting's.
We are a sucker for good movies not only as an at home date night but also as quality time with our girls.
Hasting's always has great deals on used movies and they even to this day offer the old school "video" rental that we are known to take advantage of on a regular basis. 
This weekend was no exception as we rented Black Mass and The 33 plus we snagged The Iron Giant and the 2013  version of Godzilla to add to our collection and only spent a whole $4 on both!

I don't know why but for some odd reason we always tend to watch the movies we buy first versus the rentals and there was no exception to the unwritten "law", because the rest of the evening was kicking back at home and watching Godzilla and then The Iron Giant...
On Sunday the hubby and I got up and deep cleaned the house. This has came to be a routine around here and it is nice that we spend one day as a family to get together and clean. Though I maintain the house during the week it is usually just that maintaining but the deep cleaning always gets put on the back burner with things that happen though out the day. 
After we got the house cleaned we rounded up our girls and took about a 3 mile walk around town. Of course us girls suckered Ant to treat us to lunch on our adventure and we finally tried a local favorite called "Eat My Catfish". I will share more about our experience there this week. 

After we filled our bellies we drug ourselves home and spent the afternoon watching the kids play in the yard and starting working on our over flowing  burn pile... 

As the afternoon became cooler we came in doors had dinner and  the hubby and I sat down to enjoy one of the rentals and opted that Black Mass had to be the first must watch! 

If you are a Johnny Depp fan this is one not to miss. His skills awe me in every movie he has been in and this one did not disappoint. 

This is going to be a busy week for us but I plan on not forgetting you guys :) 
See you soon! 

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