Thursday, December 31, 2015

My 2016 Goals...

Every New Year I set goals not only for myself personally but for my business and my blog...
This is is of course no exception but I can honestly say that my track record SUCKS ass and I hope that 2016 will be the year I can get my shit all lined up and have a good report at the end of the year :)

Here are my personal goals for 2016:

These are not in an special order so please don't think that

 Since our home is so chaotic and filled with kids, I really want to be able to not just spend time with him but spend more quality one on one time with him. 
We have not really had a chance to do this since we moved to Arkansas but since my sister in now in the area it might be easier to sneak away and enjoy a few hours together more often than not. 
 Back in the day I was on point with this... now days not so much. I would like to blame the busy life we have but if I was to be honest it is really because I have been too lazy to stick with it. 

 I have come to the realization that my oldest will be 14 in March and my "baby" 9 in April! The time I have with them at home shrinks by the minute and though they drive me absolutely insane with their drama, school, boys and clothes I have to say I know I will miss these things when they are off to college.
Since Dakota is just 4 years shy of this milestone I have freaking out on the inside because I have seen HOW VERY FAST 4 years can fly! 

 I know... I know...
I say this EVERY year...
But this year I added a YAY YOU DID IT prize for myself and that is a new tat or 6 for my ribs....
I know I don't weigh a lot and people would be like you need to EAT not workout but here is the deal...
I have 3 babies...
I have stretchmarks....
 (thanks D)
and since I was 16 when I decided to start the motherhood journey I am well stretched out... 
Hints the working out... 

 This is a HUGE one for me. 
I have noticed recently that I may or may not be a bit of a control freak.
I also think that I am Superwoman and take on the world...
This leaving me stressed, overwhelmed, rushed which in terms leaves me well bitchy if you are looking for honesty.
I will have to say no to more things than I used to and I will have to learn to just let somethings go. 
Prayers are appreciated because this will be the hardest for me I am sure....

As for
 Inked & Sassy...

 I LOVE to write and I hope that you all enjoy reading about my thoughts, our beautiful chaos and my opinions. 
Writing is almost therapeutic for me and though the LOVE for it is REAL I can say that some days it is HARD to sit down and write a blog when things are at the peak of CIRCUS status here. 
I have been known to disappear (as you all have recently seen) and I HATE THAT.
When I first starting blogging I wished to make it my full time job so many years ago... though I would LOVE to produce some sort of income from this it is no longer my goal as much as having a place to share my lack of writing skills and a place to voice some thoughts and stories.  You never know if one will help someone else or if someone know JUST what you MEAN when it comes to somethings life throws our way. 

For my biz...
What the Photography Studio and Boutique 

 I know you all have heard me mention it before that I am working on starting my own biz. I have been on this for a while now but to tell you I have had the chance to sink in ALL of my time, money and heart in it would not be true. Right now I still can not throw my life into this because my family comes first but I can say that I hope 2016 will bring me more time and more clients here. 
I have spent the last few months of 2015 into revamping our "baby" and I am VERY VERY excited to share it with everyone. 
I hope that with this revamp life will be breathed into What the Photography and we will officially be off the ground. 
Here is to hoping! 

Today we are party prepping and getting ready to bring in 2016 as a family...
Here is a sneak peak of what we have going on right now! 

More on the outcome soon! 

 What are your 2016 goals this year?
We would LOVE to hear. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Bringing in 2016!

Tomorrow is one of the BIGGEST partying days of the year where the ENTIRE WORLD celebrates together and brings in the new year... Talk about partying at it's finest...

This New Years Eve we are having a "party" kid style of course...
The sparkling ciders are bought...
Food is planned...
Decor is ready to be hung...
and the activities are ready!  

Last year I saw a great idea on pinterest about coming up with activities for every hour or so to keep the kids busy and mainly quiet (for sanity purposes). 
This year I am starting off the party at 2pm...

Yes I know it SEEMS early but since I have the girls friends here a lot of the time anyways there isn't really a reason not too. 

We always share our resolutions and our favorite memories and we always have a huge spread of food.... drinks.... and more! 
Of course our "party is consisting of 4 adults and 11 kids ranging from the ages of 13 to 3 months so we are partying hard as you can tell! 
I will be sharing all of the fun festivities,  activities, resolutions and more Friday! 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

And Just Where Have I BEEN?!....

It is so hard to believe that my last post was on November 19th! 
If you know me you know that life here seems to be on CHAOS status 99.99% of the time for the last few years and now since November it has raised about 100 times fold. I will still be here on the blog on a more frequent basis than I have been that I can promise. I have tried to get to you all sooner but it have not failed that  SOMETHING had taken priority for the day and the blog was on the back burner...
Got to LOVE life right?!

The last post I shared with you all that we were traveling to the Northern part of Arkansas to spend an early Thanksgiving with my biological father, his wife, my grandma and my half siblings. 
Since we never know what the Arkansas weather will do for the winter we decided to go ahead and celebrate Christmas with them too while we are there. 
The girls of course thought this was a GREAT idea and they racked up on TWO Christmases this year... 

We did manage to get a few snow flakes while we were there but since the weather here has been bipolar nothing stuck and we were able to travel home with no problems. 

With our "Thanksgiving" being the weekend before the actual day we were able to spend the next week chillin' at home. 
I usually have around 8 to 15 kids here during school breaks hanging out and since God blessed me with ALL girls we are usually surrounded by even more girls when they have friends over. 
We spent the week having a musical themed week! 
We watched Pitch Perfect one and two, Sweeny Todd, Grease, Dirty Dancing and more! 
We shorted our week at home because me and the hubby had to make an emergency trip to Alabama that weekend to help my sister and her kids move here. 
We made the QUICKEST trip ever.... Since we left our girls here in Arkansas with the neighbor this mamma was in a HURRY to get back. 
I know, I know, I know that they are NOT babies anymore but THIS mamma will ALWAYS consider them babies... 
The perk of this ALL happening when it did all of the kids were out for the Thanksgiving break and no one missed school during the commotion. 
My sisters kids did miss one day due to my car being in the shop for THREE WEEKS!... but that is a WHOLE different story....
The transition went well considering that me and my sister has not spent THIS much time together in 15 years... and out of our 7 kids 4 are ADHD and one is 2....
The kids LOVE (for the most part) that they are all in the same schools, and they have "friends" that are around ALL THE TIME.
Since the move we have gotten kids ready for Holiday dances, concerts, holiday parties, school programs and then Christmas where we have shopped, picked out and cut down our own Christmas tree, seen lights, watched the parade downtown and so much more! 

In between all of that we buried our cat Astrid and nursed our cat Tiger back to health after becoming a chew toy for a few pit bulls... 
Right now we are trying to survive the holiday break... we have had any where from 7 to 14 kids here a day and the noise level has been on the rock concert on crack levels. 

With New Years Eve and 2016 at the end of the week I can say that I am SO EXCITED!  2015 has been a VERY rough year for me personally and I am ready for a fresh start. 
I have also been working on my revamp for my biz and I am excited to show you all that too. 

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