Tuesday, October 20, 2015

While We Were Away: A Weekend Recap

When I left you all Friday I figured we would have one of our typical weekends where we really didn't do much but relax and get ready for another week ahead. 


Friday evening was actually not so bad, we spent the evening watching movies as a family and enjoyed some good ol Taco Bell together before Alora was off to her friends house to spend the night. 

Saturday morning was pretty relaxed as we hung out at the house and did a little cleaning up here and there. The three girls had a birthday-costume-slumber party to go to that evening so our main focus was putting the last minute touches on costumes, getting them packed up and ready to go and gift shopping...
 Needless to say I STILL FORGOT the gift at home when I dropped the kids off... smh..

This weekend was the grand opening for our highly anticipated Outlet Mall!
It is located off the I-30 right next to the Bass Pro Shop
As a California girl... I AM IN HEAVEN!
Since the hubby and I were kid free and we knew that it would be a MAD house we took the opportunity to check it out kid free PLUS my hubby has NEVER been to one  (GASP!) and I  thought he would enjoy it better without trying to keep up with the kids too. 

We took a few laps around the outlet featuring 75+ stores and since the lines for most of the stores were out the doors and wrapped around we didn't grab any deals but decided to go grab dinner in Little Rock since we were close by.
(I will share more about the Outlets soon!)  

The hubby is a HUGE Chinese food fan, as for me... I like it but I burn it off so fast I am hungry again WAY SOONER then it is worth. 

Since we don't go out often we decided to go to his favorite, Panda Garden.
Panda Garden is located in Shakleford Crossings off Shakelford.
It is a buffet style establishment and the family loves it!

I am more of the seafood buffet options that are on the weekend (which then of course adds to the price) 

Me and the hubby got the seafood buffet and 2 sweet teas for right at $30. 
After dinner we headed home for a movie and crashed like all old folks do. 
Yeah we are some REALLY HAPPEN' FOLKS

 Sunday morning me and the hubby decided  we would go ahead and do our weekly grocery shopping since the kids did not have to be picked up til after 12. If you are a mom like me you know how much FUN grocery shopping can be with kids...

After we got done I ran and picked up the girls from their party and I even remembered to take the poor birthday girl her gift!

That afternoon was Aaliyah's Fall Festival  at the school and of course that meant for more dressing up! 

I took the three girls for a while to the school function where they played games to win candy, meet and pet some horses (Aaliyah was in heaven) and say hi to their friends!
Even Dakota ran into her boyfriend who was working the haunted house!

While us girls got into the Halloween spirit the hubby was over at our landlords helping her change out her locks on her house and avoiding the fall festival :)

We rounded off the evening with our normal routines and getting things ready for this week where we celebrate our move-a-versary, get ready for Spook City and still on the path of cleaning out the house... 

Did you do any pre-Halloween festivities?


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I am so glad you took the time today to come see us! Leave us a comment! We love hearing from you!

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