Wednesday, March 23, 2016


There has been SO much going on that I have been MIA here on the blog. Since I have started back overnight I think that I will be spending my lunch hour here with you all :)
The transition to overnights this round has been SO MUCH HARDER then the first round and I hope that it eases off and become second nature... but that is a WHOLE different topic...
Last week or so I got a call from my sister in law Rebecca who had just got the green light to try and have a baby from her doctor. A few years back she had lost her daughter LeAnna who joined us at 20 weeks into the pregnancy. They are SUPER excited as are we all that God has given her the chance again! 

So I want to wish them the BEST of luck! 

This week my sister Jessica and her fiance welcomed their daughter Kimberlyn into the world! 
She is my dad's 10th grand child and another girl! out of all the grand kids there is only one boy...
Jess is now like me with 3 girls and that is something VERY special! I know she will LOVE it just as much as me! 

The day after Jess had her baby I found out that my cousin (who is more like a brother) and his wife will be expecting their second baby in September! 
They are amazing parents and I am SOOOO excited for them! I wish I was closer to them so I could spend time with the growing family  :) 

Then later that evening my brother called....
I figured that he was calling to FINALLY tell me he got engaged.... 
He is going to be a daddy!
Him and his fiance Jess are expecting in November! 
I am SUPER STOKED and sad at the same time. We are so close and I am not there to see this... he was so young when I had my first kid that he witnessed the whole pregnancy and everything... I can't and wont be there to enjoy watching baby gobble grow in these next 35 weeks (she is 5 weeks along) and it breaks my heart....
I did however ask for weekly pictures of the growing baby bump! :) 
Our family is growing so much and it is AMAZING how a few weeks can change and bring so much joy! 
Plus who DOESN'T LOVE babies?! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Prepping Season....

This time of year is always FULL blast and our lives feel like it is going a million miles per hour. Spring brings us warm weather which we all know this So Cal girl loves but when you live in Arkansas aka Tornado Alley you are ALWAYS on your toes and prepping for storm season. 

Not only to we prepare and freshen up the kids "survival" skills this time of year but we are also FULL swing into party planning. Today marks just a little over a week before the first birthday party of the 2016 takes place and the planning is no different this year than any other. 
We have hit Pinterest aka my LIFE saver hard for this year birthday themes 
(you can find them here
but I am also OVERLY EXCITED about them too. 

On the 12th we will be having my oldest daughters 14th birthday and she has gone with Horror Movie themed... we are talking food, decor and MORE! PLUS this year I am allowing here to gather a handful of friends to stay the night for a horror movie marathon! Can you hear the screams yet? 
(insert evil laugh here)

On TOP of all of this this week is Read Across America and the elementary school girls have this week JAM packed with fun days to participate with each day to show off and celebrate Dr. Suess!

Yesterday we got to wear many colors as they shared his book My Many Colored Days followed by today being crazy sock day of course in spirit for The Foot Book
Tomorrow is Cat in the Hat so naturally it's crazy hat day and Thursday is  Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! as the kids get to wear their school colors, but we are all stupid EXCITED for Friday's theme as they will be sharing I am NOT Going to Get Up Today!  and the kids get to dress up as their favorite Dr. Seuss Character and OF course Aaliyah and her bestie JUST HAVE to go as Thing 1 and Thing 2 and it fits them PERFECTLY! 
I started working on these things over the weekend and I just have to say if I was smaller I would TOTALLY be stealing these costumes!!! They are ADORBS if I do say so myself :)

 And because that is NOT ENOUGH this Thursday the Middle School and the Junior High kids are out of school that day for CAPS which is the day that they get to pick out their classes for the 2016-2017 school year....

Of course THIS morning is the morning that it HIT me like a TON of rocks that I will have a "HIGH SCHOOL" student next year....

I am sadly having to get ready to go back into the work force and to make it SOOO much better it will be overnight yet again for at least 6 months. I will be shooting for a department manager's position which will take me to days and a pay increase so here's to hoping! 
Which means I have to swap my sleeping schedule... yet... again... 

Does your house have a crazy prepping season too or is it just me?!

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