Friday, November 6, 2015

Surviving Our First 9 Weeks

I have come to find out that the older you get the faster time seems to fly past you. 
It is SO HARD to believe that 2015 is thisclose to being over and not to mention we have already SURVIVED our first 9 weeks of school! 
Going into the 2015-2016 school year I was a ball of emotions ranging from nervous, scared, overwhelmed and so many more! 
This school year was a HUGE change over for us all. 
Not ONLY was I still working overnight; which meant that our girls were on their own in the mornings...EEK, but it was also the very FIRST time all of the girls would be separated and in a school of their own.

Here is the scoops

Dakota was headed off to 8th grade which here in Central Arkansas means Junior High.
I in which freaked out on this transition but I promise it was only on the inside... maybe :)
This school year she decided to drop band after playing the clarinet  for two years in Middle School and to say that my heart didn't break just a little would be a lil white lie... kids...
When we went to her open house she was super thrilled with her class line up and managed to get EVERY class she had wanted!

Here is her 2015-2016 work load: 
1st period: Honors Pre Alegbra (all 4 semesters)
2nd Period: Career Development (1st & 2nd semester)
2nd period: Art (3rd semester)
2nd period: Art (4th semester)
3rd period: GT (1st & 2nd semester)
3rd period: FCSI (3rd & 4th semester)
4th period Social Studies (1st & 2nd Semester)
4th period: Arkansas History (3rd & 4th semester)
5th period: PE (1st semester)
5th period: Health (2nd semester)
5th period: Computer Tech (3rd & 4th semester)
6th period: Pre AP English (all 4 semesters)
7th: Science (all 4 semesters)

Dakota so far has a pretty calm start to the year.
We did come to the decision early on in the school year though to have her retested and reevaluated for ADHD, when we made this decision her doctors decided to take her off ALL her meds and this was a HUGE change for us all. Especially her since she has been on meds since she was 5.
THANK GOD though her grades have stayed pretty decent considering...
Dakota decided that this was the year to start the dating scene and found her a sweet boy to help ease mommy into this transition.

These two have gone to the movies, ice skating, and roller skating TWICE!
It is so hard to believe that this girl is already in 6th grade and in Middle School!
I have come to the conclusion though that when my kids hit this stage in life they become DRAMA queens and the brain that they DID have goes on vacation...
I can honestly say that I do not think that there has been one week that we did not have some sort of drama out of this kid... 
Here is her 2015-2016 work load:
1st period: Science
2nd period: Band 
3rd period: Social Studies
4th period: Advisory
5th period: PE, Music, PE, Art and then PE
6th period: Math
7th period: Social Studies
8th period: Language
Since I am a mean mom I require the girls to do one year in band and one with a foreign language  of their choice. Alora chose to play the flute (just like her mamma ;) ) this year in band. I had figured she would have loved this and I had HOPED she would love it... 
and so far we are at a bust...
I hope as time goes on she will learn to love it.

Her grades are not the greatest but I am helping her get it done. 
Since the school year has started she has joined softball, gone to her first dance, turned 12 and got braces! 
This girl is ALWAYS busy!

Our sweet baby is in 3rd grade and it is hard to get over for this mamma!
She is lovin' the "independence" from her sisters!
Her grades are on point and she is ready for spring to make this mamma a soccer mom again.
She's gotten to enjoy her book fair and fall festival. She is super excited about her up coming Christmas performance at school.

This has been an interesting first 9 weeks but to say that I am relived that we have already gotten through it.

All three of the girls have just finished celebrating Red Ribbon Week at school and are looking forward to the holiday and snow day season!

Next week I will be sharing lots of tips and things that we do to try and at least keep up with these three!

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