Thursday, August 18, 2016

Fall Bucket List 2016

As a mom of three I am always looking for ways to have fun, to spend time as a family and NOT spend a small fortune in doing so. 
With our girls growing up faster than I like I thought this fall season I would try something a little different to accomplish those three factors. 

As you all may know I am sorta in love with two things... Fall and Pinterest
While wasting time browsing on pinterest recently I have seen TONS of seasonal bucket lists and I got to thinking...
So this morning I decided fuck it and threw together our first ever Fall Bucket list!
I kept the list to about 20 activities and tried to make sure theta they were all something everyone would enjoy and if not everyone the majority of us with as little bitching and complaining as possible... which in this house with teens is a task...
So with out further ado here is our 2016 Fall Bucket List! 

I will be sure to document and keep you all posted about this :) I am kinda hoping it goes over well and we can do one for each season. 

Are you a bucket list kinda person? 

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